Frank why haven't you left a gun for your wife? She REALLY needed one in that moment.


So she knows there is an intruder in the house, can't find a gun, so she goes up the stairs to where she saw the intruder... And she goes there unarmed... No knife or bat to attack the intruder.


Why was Jordan outside?

Why would Catherine think the intruder would have Frank's gun when the cabinet had a lock on it and it was at the back? Why would the intruder be there anyway and why look for a weapon?

Why left the serial killers kidney in the fridge and the other things it did? To impress Frank? Part of the game?

Why was the cop hallucinating the intruder being the devil and a man and a woman? Are you seriously implying it was some sort of demon? You're seriously doing this/adding this into the mythology now? And this demon wants to hunt Frank? Is this the same person/demon that's been sending him the polaroids in the past? Why does it want to hunt Frank? Is it because of how successful he's been in catching serial killers? Is it because of his psychic ability?

The demon would fit into the religious mythology the show has added in though.

How was the cop defeated when he had a gun on the intruder? So i guess this being has supernatural abilities (or maybe it's the devil themself and not a demon) such as great knowledge, untraceable, shape shifting, and i guess some sort of super strength or faster speed or mind ability to intercept the cop before he could shoot.

Why kill off the good likeable head cop? Why do this Chris? He didn't even last a full season.

I will admit though, it was dramatic and it was a twist. It also helps sell the darkness of this series.

And i will admit, this demon being and religious mythology is kinda interesting, and an interesting angle to go into for a detective kinda show. I do like when shows evolve. But in this case as you can see from my questions, it might be difficult to pull off this kinda mythology and have it make sense. I hope it's successful on both fronts.

I do like how it's been brought up a few times in the season, the theme about Frank's actions and the nature of mercy and killing the serial killers vs locking them up. Time and again we've seen either them breaking out of prison and killing more innocents, or killing a prison guard, or when released they kill people, or they have a negative influence on inmates. Along with the general cost of housing these people. On the other hand we did see mentioned how this episode how much we can learn from these killers in order to catch other ones. We also have Frank's strong commitment to mercy/locking them up through the season, but he's also been questioning it a bit.

I don't know exactly how to feel myself. Before starting season i would have been mostly following Frank's position, but this season has showed me different. It's showed me the debate is more nuanced. I still mostly agree with Frank's position, but the season has been making me question it somewhat.

Edit: Also wanted to shout out the "cameo" nice.

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