Review by Michelle G.

Barbie 2023

You know what? Maybe I'm not a feminist if it means I have to enjoy messaging that trashes men or only focuses on the worst of them to boost women up. I don't believe that men are only weak, whiny, stupid, incompetent, power-hungry, controlling, and empty. So, when they're portrayed that way to set up women as superior, I don't like it.

This movie had all the elements to open a conversation about how it shouldn't be about men ruling over women or women ruling over men, it should be about working together to break down toxic constructs that affect both men and women, supporting each other, and being better for one another to make real change. But instead of opening that conversation, it just tells you what you should think. You should think that if women ruled the world and told men what to do, everything would be great. That's just so... disappointing.

There's a lot I enjoyed about this film; the style, the actors, the direction, the soundtrack, the humor and satire, the way it explored what it means to be a woman, what it means to be human, gender roles, consumerism, and more. So many great things to love, but the feminist message is not one I can get behind.

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