Shout by Mellow Geek

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off 2023

The English audio is AWFUL!!! The actors, especially the one playing Ramona, sound like they are reading the script for the first time out loud in their toilets and are bored as hell. The Japanese dub is night and day, it made me stop hating this and actually enjoy the show. The original audio should be marked as Japanese, since this was made in Japan, the Japanese voice actors are actually acting and the animation in synced to the Japanese audio rather than English.

People should give the japanese audio at least a try. They won´t regret it.

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@mellowgeek Hot take, but since the voice actors are the same actors who were in the 2010 cult classic live action film (many of whom are mega-famous today), and since that's the very reason most people will be watching this show, seems unlikely.

@mikedmeyer I haven't watched the movie yet, but the performances in the show are objectively bad. I am aware nostalgia plays a huge factor for those who are fans of the original, that's why I said people should at least give it a try, they could be surprised.
New projects using the same actors from old beloved projects can be bad despite nostalgia. One just need to take a look at the Star Wars sequel trilogy for an example of that. It does have several actors from the original trilogy.

@mellowgeek "The original audio should be marked as Japanese" That would be incorrect though. The show was written and recorded in English first, and the Japanese dub was produced after.

@mellowgeek while I agree with the other commenters that I don't think that the Japanese audio should be the default because it's an animated feature of an IP with the same English-speaking actors, I'm definitely with you that most of the voices gelled atrociously both with one another and with the show itself.

It was entirely too obvious that a lot of those actors have zero experience with voice acting. Some sounded too bored and like they had their lips touching the mic (cough cough young Neil), others were whisper-shouting, and a lot of them made some excruciating and unexplainable pauses during dialogue. Zero consistency between the voices.

The show itself I liked decently enough overall, but what I explained above, coupled with the fact that there was almost zero background audio during dialogue (be that BGM or SFX), were enough to almost turn me off from it altogether.

@emmapurp Yes, exactly! And the reason I, hyperbolically I might add, said the original audio should be considered Japanese is that the animation was made by a Japanese studio and it is clearly synced to the Japanese audio. The English actor most likely recorded their lines afterwards, maybe trying to sync up with the Japanese audio.
