Review by Acoucalancha

Insidious 2011

"A sound man, by not advancing himself, stays the further ahead of himself."

Not many horror movies scare me nowadays but Insidious still scares the shit out of me! It does use jumpscares a lot but they're really well-thought out and a lot of the stuff happening to these characters is actually scary. That is if you find ghosts scary, which I sure do. Well this is as good as it gets. I find it even more effective than The Conjuring (on a ghost scare level).

Bone chilling over-the-top score and intro title card. The sound is pristine, every movement and object has it's own sound. Camerawork and editing is creative. The lighting especially the scenes in the dark are always on point. I get totally absorbed by the movie, it's so captivating and the runtime goes by so fast. So much suspence. The pacing is perfect exactly when it's starting to get a bit redundant, we're introduced Specs, Tucker and the true star of this movie (and franchise): Elise. They breed new life into the story and it doesn't get any better than Lin Shaye explaining the horror in a horror movie, that woman is so damn dramatic. It doesn't go without saying that Patrick Wilson is equally awesome.

The shadow standing right next to the bed always gets me, most scary part to me. The Darth Maul entity is nightmare fuel and The Further is such a great concept it clearly inspired Stranger Things with the Upside Down. It's crazy the amount of Easter eggs planted in here that serve the later entries of the franchise, I applaude James Wan for that. The third act is so epic and unforgettable, elevates the movie to amazing. One of my favorite modern horror movies for sure. So effective and fun.

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@acoucalancha I'm glad someone around here (who's even a friend of mine on this site, yay!) actually gets the feel of the movie. It's a terribly underrated masterpiece of modern horror.

I originally watched the movie in the theatre, which obviously increased significantly the fear effect and it did blow my mind (and scared the shit out of me), at the time. I just finished watching it for the first time, since then, at home, now, and it still managed to creep me out and make me disappear into my couch almost completely. It definitely stands the test of time (unlike The Ring, which I also revisited recently and the effect wasn't near as strong).

It's funny that you mentioned the Easter eggs, as I usually suck at finding those, but this time around I did notice Billy Puppet drawn on the blackboard at the end of dad's class.

I hope you also like The Conjuring and Sinister, those are also among my favourite modern horror movies!

@misnomer it really is terribly underrated and I think it's mostly because people see a simple ghost story and think "cliché" and "outdated", which it kinda is, but you gotta appreciate one when it's well done. We're in the elevated horror/A24 horror era now so this genre is becoming vintage.

You're so lucky to have seen it in the theater! I wish I did too. Although watching it in a house has got to be scarier, unless you suspect your local theater to be haunted.

It's been a decade sinse i've watched The Ring so i'll get back to you on that once I do a rewatch (which should be soon).

Yeah, the Easter eggs are everywhere in this franchise I find new ones every rewatch.

Oh yes, I love The Conjuring and Sinister too! If we're staying in the ghost category you should definitely watch Talk To Me (2023). It's one that surprised me and it feels so fresh.


Reply by kinky

@acoucalancha I realised there's no streaming service currently offering Talk to Me, so I immediately proceeded to download the movie and will watch it as soon as I have the chance to. The trailer looks interesting. Cheers for the recommendation!

Do you know a Spanish series named 30 Monedas? I've recently finished the first two episodes and, even though it's not full blown horror, it's creepy enough to be intriguing.

@misnomer yeah it's not on anything at the moment which is sad but thank god for downloading. I do it too.

I've seen it around on the website and in trailer channels on YouTube but never gave it a shot. Will add it to watchlist, thanks :thumbsup:
