Review by Nancy L Draper

Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha 2021

I think I’ve fallen in love with Korean Romantic Dramas! This is the third I’ve watched this month and I’m looking for a fourth when I’m finished writing this review. Fortunately, Netflix has a great deal of them.

This series started off slow for me, mainly because the two main characters have dramatic character arcs and they start off in a very different place than they end up. Where they end up is predictable but the journey is nuanced and well written. The leads were well cast and well performed, you kind of gradually fall in love with each of them through their journey, not just to one another, but to themselves. In many ways this is an ensemble story, about a community where each have wonderfully well written, unique character arcs. The acting is very good. There are moments of loss that break even the hardest heart and moments of joy that sweep you up in the moment. The setting is spectacularly beautiful, really almost a character in itself. I started off giving the episodes a cautious 6 or 7, but the last 3 episodes are solid 10s. I give the whole series a 9 (superb story telling) out of 10. [Romantic Drama]

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