Review by Acoucalancha

The Terminator 1984

The Terminator is one of my all time favorites and a classic that stands the test of time. I love the mystery in the first half of the movie, two enigmatic characters searching for the same person; Sarah Connor. It ultimately comes down to a classic cat and mouse chase with a few well-executed time-travel twists.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast, there isn't a single scene where I didn't buy that he's a robot. He not only fits the role for obvious physical reasons but also because he's so good at playing the stone cold serious type that cracks a few funny one-liners once in a while. Kyle feels like a generic character at first but once his allegiances and goal are revealed he becomes compelling. Sarah is my least favorite but not by much, she's really elevated once she connects with another character.

Lots of thrilling action, a few epic car chases, good use of slow-motion (bar scene), atmospheric, the score is minimal but effective and pretty solid sci-fi premise. Love the horror visuals and the romance really fits and has meaning in the storyline.

There's nothing I respect more in a movie than practical effects and omg, these will never get old. The miniature sets in the opening sequence and the stop-motion in the third act—I love how weird it looks. The third act is a masterpiece for that reason but it's also for how thrilling it is and visually stunning. Very rewatchable. So hyped for Judgement Day!

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