Review by Midnitewolf

A Season for Family 2023

Well. Quite a movie!
Really beautiful scenery, good solid actors (Female and male) that all seemed to work really well together with really believable performance from all. Including the youngsters who put on a really great performance.

The storyline, is almost unbelievable! with such long odds of such a thing happening! Yet, in my life, I have witnessed, personally, events that simple shouldn't happen, because the odds are mind blowing.

When you watch, you will understand. I could probably be clearer, as we find out very early in the movie. But I think you should discover it for yourself, in the same way as I did.

I have had a horrible day. That would probably normally, influence the film negatively, so I have to try to adjust my ratings, accordingly.

I started watching it, after an exhausting day, ending in a medical problem and a lot of pain. So I should be quite hard to please. But after watching this film, the big bad wolf, howling at the midnight moon, had a tear in the corner of my eye and a lump in my throat.

It, again, wasn't the most romantic or Christmassy Christmas romance.
But it is emotional and touching and romance is involved, along with some very mind bending questions being put forward for the characters, actors (all ages, male and female) as well as the viewers.
Not many people will ever face any of this for real, but may Santa bless those who do, will, or have faced the first situation. May he fill yours and your children's stockings full of love and magic every year. It is obvious to anyone with eyes and a news paper/TV/or app, that the world needs more people like you.

A really enjoyable, beautiful, extremely well thought through, complicated, weaving story, presented in a gorgeous way that was easy to follow and invest yourself in.
There are no right or wrongs, just two different rights, that don't match up, in a bizarre, random, series of events, that shouldn't happen, the chances are tiny. Yet they seem to happen more often than they should, especially at Christmas.
Fate? extreme coincidence? an unseen, all knowing guiding hand? A god? Santa? Or Christmas magic?

There is no magic wand or cauldrons making magic in this movie. (But I think the Santa in the bowling hall, may of been the real one! I know he is always happy to pop it to be filmed for a movie now and then, if he has a spare moment, to promote happiness and Christmas spirit!)

Anyway, I digress.

With the cast, seemingly working so well together, a really Stella and original (to my knowledge) storyline, beautiful location (and possibly the real Santa cameo) I have to say it again, two young lads, acting out very complex roles, so well together and with the adult cast, as a movie, possibly a 10, but for a Christmas romance movie, for my first ever reviewed list, I think I would be fair giving it

8/10 full moons,

But I think I can throw 2 stars at it, as token of it being such a great moving, sensitively handled, complex plot, while still being easy viewing and easy to follow movie.
Maybe have a tissue handy. (for the grumpy guys!) :joy: who, of course don't cry at movies. But just in case a bit of dust gets in your eye...

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