Shout by Imme van Gorp

Downton Abbey: Season 3

3x08 Episode 8

It really warmed my heart to see how almost everyone in the house stood up for Thomas. Even though he was never really liked, they still recognized how wrong it was to ruin a man’s life over something he can’t change about himself, and I really respect them all so much for that.
Maybe it wasn’t entirely realistic, considering how homosexuality was viewed in that time, but I’d like to think that there were still people out there back then who had a compassionate heart and recognized how this cruel treatment would be evil and wrong.

On another note, I just want to point that Edith has grown so much this season! She used to always be so insecure and overlooked, but she’s clearly fed up with it now. I love seeing her have all these strong opinions and working so hard to stand by them. She’s really making something of herself, and I’m very happy for her!

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