Review by Ward

This three part story started out really good, and then became generic action with some bad creative decisions.

I really don't like Lois knowing Batman's real identity, at all. It's terrible. Their dating is rushed and her discovering his identity is a bad decision.

I really don't like the growing relationship of Bruce and Lois in the episode. One because it disrespects Clark, in his own show no less, and disrespects and underplays the future relationship of Lois and Clark (even though we're already halfway through the second season, and developments should have been happening much sooner). But also because it betrays an aspect of Batman that's not really been talked about, and which i believe is a prevalent aspect of the character.

The thing about Bruce Wayne, is that for all his flirting and dates, it's all for show. He doesn't really care about these women or forging any kind of romantic or sexual relationship, as that would interfere too much with his work as Batman, which he takes seriously. As does protecting his identity, which masquerading as a playboy billionaire helps to do and helps lessen suspicion. He cares about the women he dates as much as them being civilians, but he doesn't really care about them as people. He uses them, he manipulates them. It's one of the darker sides of Batman's behavior. This is the aspect i was talking about.

To support this, i mean look at his sidekicks. Adopted Dick Grayson as a kid or teen and raised him to be a superhero, a guy who dresses up in a costume to use violence to stop criminals. He instilled in Dick the ability to commit violence, showing him no other way of life, and so that's who Dick became, Robin and then Nightwing. Tim Drake became Robin even younger, and Batman did the same thing as he did with Dick.

In Batman's cold, calculating mind, it's about necessity. He needs to do these things to stop these great villains. Over the years he gets injured more and he gets older, so he was more likely to train sidekicks. He wants his work to be continued, if it needs to be continued.

I don't think he's entirely right, either. Raising these kids to become monsters, albeit good monsters. Monsters as in extremely tough fighters capable of dealing with all kinds of threats and escaping from the law, with access to great technology to help them in their superhero ways. I don't think i can agree with what Batman has done to his sidekicks, these children who he indoctrinates into his lifestyle.

As for Batman himself and his own mission, well... That's another matter.

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