Review by Tshepiso

I definitely liked episode 2 of fellow Travellers more than its pilot. I loved seeing this episode flesh out its side characters especially Marcus and and Mary. Seeing the ways McCarthyism targeted black people and queer women added an appreciated layer to the story. Mary and Tim's friendship was especially sweet;we love to see mlm/wlw solidarity.

Hawk continues to be an engaging protagonist. His complicated relationship with his father was an especially interesting aspect of his character touched on in this episode. Given how much he's willing to compromise himself and people around him for his own security his backbone when it comes to bending the knee for his inheritance.

I will say my complaints about Hawk and Tims relationship were tempered in this episode. The moments we see them together here had a genuine warmth and intimacy to them that made their draw to each other more believable.Tim also has some solid moments to shine here too. Like I mentioned previously his scenes with Mary were solid. But I will say his final moments in the confessional did have some of Bailey's overacting that didn't sell the conflict and pain of the moments as I hoped it would.

Unfortunately I still think the 1980s plotline drags the overall story down. While I appreciate what the writers are trying to do with respect to the AIDS crisis I don't think these flash forwards have enough story to truly capture my interest. All they do is take away from the immediacy and intrigue of our our primary plot. I see how the flashforwards add some mystery but so far they don't feel urgent or necessary so I resent every time where flung forward.

Overall given the conclusion of this episode, with Tim and Hawk determinedly choosing their own safety over their relationship did capture me. I'm curious to see what brings them back together in the preceding episodes.

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