Shout by Dylan Marshall

Escape Plan 2: Hades 2018

I don’t often leave comments on movies or tv shows but I feel I had to leave one for this movie. I really enjoyed the first one, it was great and that is what made me excited to watch the 2nd! Escape Plan 2 has a lot of different characters in the film and I feel we don’t get to know them much. In this movie I thought Stallone was going to be a main character again, but no… he’s not in it much at all even the previous main characters are hardly seen. The story I really did struggle to get into. I hardly felt gripped to my seat or curious what could happen next, I felt like it was jumping from scene to scene which kept making me lose interest. It generally feels and looks low budgeted, I just wished they followed the way the 1st movie was directed and came out. I don’t think anyone will mind me saying this but I cut the movie off and didn’t finish it as it was horrendous. I’m sure I’ll give the 3rd instalment of the franchise a shot but I don’t have my hopes up.

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