Shout by gryphon1911

Doctor Who


Absolute trash...they figured out a way to make Doctor Who even worse than the horrible Whitaker run. Run far, far away from this unless, like Nero, you wish to watch it burn to the ground.

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@gryphon1911 Angry because they added a trans character huh? :3

@stardust1996 No, not at all....not even angry - they are writing garbage stories and destroying a legacy of excellence. I find it interesting that you impose anger and added something about trans. Says more about you doesn't it? BBC has destroyed their franchise and it should now go on another 10-20+ year hiatus. I'm fine re-watching the older episodes if I need Who fix. I want to be entertained - this show is no longer entertaining...and has not been for some time now. Started the decline during Capaldi and absolutely tanked during Whitaker's run. I had high hopes because I really like Jodie Whitaker as an actor...but the writers just didn't know what to do with it and the scripts were just horrible...when you come from the greatness that was Tennet and Smith runs, that is a high bar to maintain....

@gryphon1911 Tennant and Smith were the actors. If you're going to criticize the writing, criticize Chibnall. Russell T Davies handed the reins to Chris Chibnall the same time Tennant left the show, and in my opinion it hasn't been the same since. These recent episodes feel very refreshing, like a dish of comfort food after you've been away from home for a very long time.

@neil98789 I reference the runs by actors as that is something that most people understand more so than the writers. As you'll notice, I referenced specifically that I do like the actors, just that the writers didn't know what to do with them. I have to disagree that the latest episodes are refreshing in any way. I had high hopes that Davies would try and right the ship, but it seems either he has drunk the kool-aid or that the BBC executives are just too much set in their direction and much like Disney will end up sinking a beloved franchise and those working for them just want to keep their jobs or figured there was a way to make a quick buck off of nostalgia. It is not working.
