So the B&B Batman goes to another planet, that's 1/3 Batman, 1/3 Superman, and 1/3 weird 1950s scifi-ville, replete with Iron Giant-esque robots and retro-futurism? Plus it features the voice talents of the DCAU Batman, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor! Sign me up!

If you can't tell, I really enjoyed this one. I have to admit that it's kind of a mess mashing up all those different sensibilities into one world, but someone it was just cheesy-yet-winking enough to work. There was some great dry humor--Batman's pitying Planet X for having both crime and poor building codes was hilarious as was his asking the other Batman if the amount he had lifted was "a lot"--and it was a pleasure to hear Kevin Conroy voicing the (or at least a) Batman again. The animators showed a great deal of creativity in making the new planet seem futuristic but in a "World of Tomorrow!" sort of way, and the giant robot-related fight scenes showed a good amount of inventiveness and verve as well. The bit with Green Arrow at the end was a nice little button to put on the episode.

The opening short with the Metal Men is about right for those characters, who probably just aren't able to sustain their own episode. But their little appearances were cute enough to work here, especially gold appearing out of the Doctor's teeth.

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