Shout by manicure

Godzilla Minus One 2023

The film, overall, succeeds in finding the right balance between the human and monstrous dimensions. I found both the post-war setting and the "maritime" dimension chosen for the battles interesting, and the underlying themes are relatively fresh for the genre. Unfortunately, the overall execution feels like a cheesy melodrama, especially in regard to the acting and exposition-heavy dialogue. This may be a somewhat imperceptible issue for overseas audiences, but at the same time it’s been widely recognized as a trademark of Yamazaki’s filmography in Japan.

When Godzilla takes center stage, everything remains electrifying, if not for the chain of three plot twists that killed the mood in the very last few minutes. The first was necessary, as any other kind of resolution would have undermined the film's overarching message, but the other two were truly avoidable both in terms of conception and execution.

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