Review by SkinnyFilmBuff

Waitress: The Musical 2023

I don't know if it's my memory deteriorating or if I just watch too much content, but I went into this musical not only unaware that it was an adaptation of the 2007 film, but also having zero recollection of what that film was about despite having seen it. Admittedly, I probably saw the film about a decade ago, but it seems like I should have at least remembered the premise. In any case, I prefer going into movies blind, so I guess having a terrible memory accomplishes much the same thing.

So, what did I think of this adaptation? It was good enough to overcome my general indifference toward musicals. None of the music felt like instant classics to my ear, but it was catchy enough. I have zero qualifications to judge the quality of the singing, but the performances were strong and there was a surprising amount of solid slapstick-esque humor, with Drew Gehling and Joe Tippett really selling their quirky roles. As for the story, it's an effective feel-good drama about breaking out of a negative rut with the help of found family. Fans of musicals will likely enjoy it and it may win over non-musical folks like myself as well.

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