Review by Jacob Paint

I Care a Lot 2021

I liked many aspects of this film and feel like it could have been much better with different direction and a number of significant changes to the script. The performances were all quite good, without which this would have been completely unwatchable because the characters were written to be so unlikable and beyond redemption. Their performances made them likeable to the extent that was possible considering that we know how unapologetically awful they are.

There are a number of very convenient plot points along the way that suggest of either lazy or incompetent writing. If you can forgive these disappointing turns along the way, the end will test you even more.

There is a bit of an odd take on feminism in this film. The main character is a “strong female character” but she not only isn’t a hero but she’s deplorable and we are presumably meant to want her to die a horrible death.

I watched this film primarily because of Dinks but I was impressed with the rest of the cast as well. It’s great that Peter’s stature isn’t mentioned in these films but when a film is poorly written like this I tend to spend my time analysing everything and couldn’t help notice that there was a couple of times when characters would have 100% mentioned that he’s a dwarf or at least mentioned his height.

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OPReply by Jacob Paint

Of the stupid plot points, the dopy mafia driver suddenly becoming a competent investigator and trying to execute the extraction.
The mafia killers being so incompetent at killing people. Why leave the brunette for dead, were they hoping it would look like she died of natural causes after they beat the shit out of her and turned on the gas? When they put Marla in the car and set her to drive over the cliff it seemed like a very unlikely plan to work. The car had to go a long way without veering off the road, it then had to go over the cliff into the water.Did they deliberately leave the windows down a bit so that the water would flood in but not far enough for her to get out? Since the car immediately filled with water wouldn’t she be able to open the doors? (I’m not sure, I imagined it was only when the car was filled with air that it was hard to open the doors. Having her kick out the window is to make her look determined and tough but there are probably more realistic and intelligent way she could have escaped.

Marla suddenly became an expert thug when she perfectly executed her plan to abduct Dinklage… and yet her plan was just to leave him naked on the road before making him a ward when admitted to hospital. Implausible but whatevs.
The killer at the end should have been set up better. If Marla had used a spiteful treatment on his mother and then made that an unofficial policy in her company at the end the it would have been more satisfying that he killed her.
What happened to Dinklage at the end? She died but he apparently lived happily ever after. Surely her death should have sent him to jail. Maybe she had something in place that released information about him to the police if something happened to her (he said that the riches would build trust but that would have shown that she didn’t believe him) .
