This'll go the way of John Carter.

Massive info dump at the start. Cringy dialogue throughout. Every introduction to a new member is the same. Too many things just happen to go just right to make the good guys look good. Like the bird horse thing. It knocks him off and happens to fly in front of him just right for him to jump back on. In slow motion. Which this movie also has a lot of. I'm sure this would be 20 minutes shorter if everything was shown in real time. Also, why does Charlie Hunnam have that horrible Irish adjacent accent?

My favourite genre is scifi fantasy but between this, the Creator and Avatar, I'm getting really tired of being dissapointed.

God the acting is atrocious.

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Oh man, I had forgotten all about John Carter. Now that I think back on it there are some similarities in the lack of soulful world building here. Or Jupiter Acending. There is a other which fits in with these, though at least with that movie I actually laughed throughout at it's more ridiculous moments.

@nox-anexayi agreed. except I actually liked John Carter more than this. At least it was funnier. lol

I agree it totally sucks. 5 is a lil high IMO lol.

@nox-anexayi I think John Carter was better. But yeah it'll be forgotten quickly.
