I really like the idea of putting a proper engine in a Tesla but trying to control a gasoline engine with a Tesla computer is just fiction. No way that thing truly would work seemlessly as a Tesla with all the features like autopilot etc.

The Dodge, well to me they took a really cool car and made it really ugly. Probably a fantastic conversion technically but still ugly as fuck.

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@perjonsson V8 Tesla has been done before if they just went to youtube and watched richrebuilds. heck putting V8 Tesla into youtube would give back loads of results. I have no idea when this was filmed or how long the editors sit on this content before syndication on TV but like I wholeheartedly feel like these people dont know what from spending time on the Internet for as long as I have the internet is.

Why would you step blind into a Gasoline conversion without doing the research on it, seeing what conversion tech is needed to marry the gas to the operating system of the electrical components of the main computer and everything. Like I get that they are making a show, but googling should be along for the ride instead of oh let me see trying to grassrooting the whole operation with zero outside tools to make both of the systems work together. There's already products out there that already allow you to even take a gasoline engine to make the whole conversion to electric power if you want to. So I don't see why they didn't just do any sort of research into what they were even getting into the resources for doing this For as long as I have been on Youtube watching what I've been watching in the various amount of content I've seen I think three weeks would have almost been just enough time to have pulled it off. I understand that the client didn't like the news that was given. But I think Shawn was showing his cards to the client and not being professional enough with the dealings at hand. Where Shawn went wrong from what I'm hearing and comprehending from what was told in the show and what my ears heard. is the Comprehension of my best abilities was that Shawn told that the client in some fashion or another that they had experience in a gasoline conversion from an electric car. Shawn bit off more than he could chew. Shawn poorly communicated to the client what the shop was capable of delivering in my opinion. If there's anything that I have learned from doing graphic design and working with clients don't promise something that you know you can't deliver in a certain amount of time. Don't say you have experience in something that you haven't done before. Shawn should have clearly communicated this is our first one trick pony type of conversion car we will do this only for you And they should have done their research before they had even talked a deal, would have been an even better plan as well. Better yet scratch that they should have done their own Tesla shop car conversion that was some Jerry rigged mess that could be a platform for there screw ups and ground work to see what they were communicating was even possible before wasting so much time into the build that they were making for the client.

For the Blue Challenger Daytona Vibe that they did I think that front end attachment could have been done way better it looked so stupid to not fill in the gap at the front to the body of the frame of the car. I would have welded it not made it have the stupid panel gap for the front end it looked so completely stupid it looked like it also could have needed a bit more clean lines adjustment. And the spoiler in my opinion was clearly not original. It looked too straight line made And rugged to be effective in my opinion. The photo of what they showed in the photo of the car had more curves on the spoiler than what they created. If I was the client I would have ripped that spoiler off with an angle grinder and say redo the spoiler before signing it off and saying it looked good. Why didn't they get a legitimate spoiler for what they were making? I also noticed that the spoiler was not integrated into the body lines properly and was just bolted on. Why would you say in the show you would want it to be as true to the original as possible but was only 90% of the way there. I don't know if I was that client that spoiler would have been angle grinded off and redone in the moment.
