Review by TV Watcher

The Curse 2023


Review by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2023-12-27T02:43:24Z— updated 2024-01-19T13:05:20Z

I have been unlucky enough to watch some truly terrible TV shows, and I have to say this makes the top 5, perhaps even the top 3 worst shows ever to grace the small screen. Emma Stone…? Is this the best you got now?

This is a story about the most shallow, despicable, reprehensible, zero morals, zero ethics people who are so far beyond phony that it’s not funny in the least. You will hate everyone, and I do mean everyone, in this show. The most dislikable person is the lead actor who is also the creator, the writer and the director.

There is absolutely nothing funny about this show. Seriously, there is no comedy whatsoever, it’s about people you cannot find a single redeemable quality for and if you don’t like the players then why watch the play? For the message? The message is terrible too.

Your time is better spent vacuuming your carpet - one fiber at a time with a microscopic vacuum cleaner than it is spending even a single minute of this insanely stupid show.

The acting is on par with a play put on by three year olds.

Do yourself a favor and forget this show even exists.

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You could have used far fewer words to say you didn't understand it.
