Shout by Acoucalancha

Thanksgiving 2023

"Show some enthusiasm. Thanksgiving is an institution here."

Scream goes on holiday. I'm a sucker for holiday horror and Thanksgiving is everything I wanted from a Thanksgiving themed slasher. It's very standard old fashioned 80s campy. You need to watch this with the intent of having fun cause it's a lot of fun.

Perfect intro with the Black Friday sequence, really well done. The kills are everything you want in a slasher; gory, fun, creative and memorable. Great effects. The oven kill was my favorite but they were all great. The 'sitting at the table' part was peak I had a huge smile on my face and the one-liners were excellent.

The tone is probably my biggest criticism, it's too serious at times when really you want this kind of movie to be silly. The fun parts are too distanced apart, more fun and less teen drama would have been great. The characters are hard to root for and the teen actors are all cringe. I actually predicted who the killer was for once but I think it was pretty obvious.

No leftovers.

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@acoucalancha Those one liners by the killer while he was smashing that guy's head in.. perfection man. It would've been better if the killer was given more mystery. Like the Scream movies they dint mislead the audience enough in my opinion. Wdyt?

@dulneth-p I can't say no to more mystery so definitely. And yes it needed more misleading, the killer was far too obvious to guess.
