would of been an amazing episode BUT it was done purely in subtitles. Hopefully they give a "dub ed" option in the future so it can be sat back and enjoyed without having to read as well

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@arsenaladd or you should LEARN other languages instead of requiring everything to be spoon fed to your entitled rear.


My knowledge of other languages shouldn't matter. If a SERIES is presenting in one constant language throwing that out for an entire episode for no reason other then their own masturbatory reasons is ridiculous. I get the artsy vision with it presenting it in the native tongues of the character but the majority of the world doesn't do subtitles with their media. It would of made more sense to release it with an alternate audio track.

@arsenaladd Technically you can use the audio track with audio description, which is what people with visual impairments use, to get a "dubbed" version. You just have to deal with the audio descriptions as well.
