So, Roe vs Wade gets overturned... and Chris loses it. Cory takes Bradley to see his mother - in what capacity I'm not quite sure of. And Alex and Marks' relationship is published. And Stella tells Cory about Marks' job offer.

Not sure about this episode. There were a few cringeworthy moments, like with Cory's mother. Also, that Alex' relationship would be news, especially at this point of the narrative can't be... well... news to her. And I understand where Chris is coming from. But on the other hand, she doesn't really come across as a 3-dimensional character, but the postergirl for racial/gender/and now abortion issues. I think I'd be more invested in this if I were more invested in her.

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@nicky2910 Great point about Alex, that's exactly my problem with all of this. The issues are supposed to matter, but her take is presented in such a shallow matter so we just. don't. care. Also, it would've been more reasonable if Bradley would flip over it, due to the fact she actually had abortion and it hits close to home and after the story she was chasing at the beginning of the season. It's not the first time I'm noticing a terrible inconsistency in this season, like every episode was written by different people, and they didn't share notes. I guess something has gone really wrong in the writers' department, maybe due to the strike.
