Ok this episode was total crap. Reacher stands out in the open and calls out for the bad guy who could be hiding anywhere and shoot him from any angle. Then the helicopter comes in with a gunman shooting an AK or something similar and again Reacher goes out in the open with his pistol and has a shootout with the guy? Then the cop walks out in the open straight towards the bad guys? That’s just so stupidly unrealistic. No trained officer would do that. He would run from cover to cover and try and flank them or at least come at a diagonal. Was I asleep during the first 13 episodes or did the action sequences just become very stupid?

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Don't forget the grunt who instead of simply shooting the girl on sight, takes his time to position himself point blank (conveniently right in the middle of the roadway) so he can deliver a corny one-liner while pointing the gun at her, oblivious to the sound of an SUV closing in.

OPReply by hirkiti

@keldian that’s right lol I forgot about that one.

@hirkiti came here to say pretty much the same, but you already covered it.
Did they run out of money? Rotate in some drama-moron director?

Another moment: A trained soldier finds a police officer with a gunshot wound. Plugging the wound is the first thing to do. Instead, she proceeds to hold his hand for a while.

Damn, I hated watching this episode.

@hirkiti So true. The plot is too simple and unrealistic, and the acting is poor!

@hirkiti Good to know I'm not crazy and alone in thinking this because there is a significant drop in quality even when comparing the last episode! This whole episode is just weird. My brother asked why is this show suddenly so dramatic? It's like they did the opposite of everything they established, so weird.
