If you have sympathy for the Lannisters, just know, you're the reason that oppression exists in this world. You're the reason that people are beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted, raped, and murdered. It's b/c, you feel this faux sympathy for their oppressors. It's not real sympathy; it's only lip-service, b/c real sympathy involves action to support those in need of assistance. Sympathy comes in finite supplies and should be reserved for those being oppressed, not those oppressing. The fact that the writers felt the need to make the death of the Lannisters a sympathetic moment says that they're really a danger to society, b/c they found good qualities in violent, sadistic, murderous, torturous subhumans. If you find good qualities in those like that, there's something very, very wrong w/ you. To listen to that lying, conniving, cowardly mutt, Tyrion Lannister, moralize was sickening.

And, this was the single worst episode I'd ever had the displeasure of watching to end a series. What a pile of shit. The writers and showrunners should never work in television or film again.

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