Nice list but Agent Carter OneShot, Daredevil and Jassica Jones are in the wrong positions. Agent Carter OneShot comes after Agent Carter Season 1 and before season 2. Daredevil is questionable, but Jessica Jones falls in between Agents Of Shield Season Epsoide's 10 and 11. The date can clearly be seen when Jessica hacks the hospital Computer.

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Well I would say that Agent Carter OneShot should be before Agent Carter season 1, because it's to different from the series and you if you place it between the Season 1 and 2, then it would be wrong with the story. But I understand why some think that it should be between the Season 1 and 2.
Yes, Daredevils placement is questionable, but I feel like it should be there where it is right now.
I know that Jessica Jones is on the wrong place right now, haven't had the time to watch it completely yet. But when I'm done with Jessica Jones, i'll try to put it on the right spot.
And I would like to know where did you get your sources from! :)

OPReply by Darren

Okay we'll agree to disagree with Agent Carter Oneshot but as season 2 is set in LA I'm sure you'll agree with me in January, Also you've left out the "WHIH World News" Webepisodes before Ant-men, they bring nothing to the story but are part of the time line. They were posted to YouTube. Forgive me for disagreeing with you but I'm somewhat of a major MCU fan.

Well lets wait and see on that, maybe I'll change it after i see season 2.
Yes I know. The reason why I haven't added WHIH World News is because they are not on Trakt and yes I could add them on themoviedb and import them to Trakt and I probably should do that....
I really hope that they'll do more things like WHIH World News.
Well I would actually say thank you for disagreeing. It's good to know what other MCU fans think, so I can make the list better.
