Shout by DAVY X


Season 1

This show is a God Damn
Flawless Masterpiece
And sadly in this Woke
Sjw Snowflake world we live
in today this generational
can no longer exist as
the world of today is soft
weak stomch.
Misfits is fcuking hilarious,
Inappropriate, filthy-naughty
and rude AF and I love everything
about it.
Season One is so strong
and sets the tone for the
rest of the show and it
certainly doesn't disappoint.
Simon is the MVP of the first half
of the show and everyone else
puts in outstanding Performances.
Before "The Boys" there was
"MisFits" and I'm so glad I own
both shows on Blu Ray Boxset
because Phenomenal shows like
these deserved to be watched over
and over and Over again because
they are so much fun with the
WTAF moments and I can't believe
they went there.
i love Misfits 3000
because it is
Hella Yeah

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