Shout by wolfkin

Lift 2024

Color me cheesy. This is everything I wanted. Especially after that Rick and Morty episode and good lord so I hate when Rick and Morty "tackle popular culture" because they ruin it in the most hypocritical way possible.

But yeah it's a heist film and it's 100% what I wanted from a heist film. It's not the best I've ever seen but it maximized everything I like about the genre. If you're looking for original or fresh or new. You knew from the trailer this wasn't going to deliver. You knew from the trailer every beat this movie would take every double cross. Every surprise skill. Every fake out. You can see them coming a mile away.

For me. That's exactly why I loved this movie. As one of my favorite show creators calls it.. .Competency Porn. I'm not a fan of the "pornification" of linguistics but conceptually it does work.

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