Shout by Deleted

Z Nation 2014


Shout by Deleted

Seems alot of people don't get this show.
Coming here with their comments it's cheap, below average acting, can't take the characters serious, etc ...

Well peeps this isn't a freaking serious ZOMBIE SERIE.
It's a ZOMBIE COMEDY show.
The characters arn't meant to be taken serious.
The zombies don't have to be serious. It's a goddamn comedy.

Its perfect for what it is.

TWD is a zombie show thats serious and see what that gets us? Nowhere. Every episode is just another filler in TWD.

Thats why Z-Nation is that good. cause we don't have lame drama in this show. It resolves around humour and action.

Anyone that comes here and doens't get it. Don't even bother commenting here about the quality if you don't get the show anyways.

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