i live up in Canada and watching this episode reminded me of this news story of this girl who was 15 years old named Amanda Todd who committed suicide due to being befriended groomed then sextorted since she was 13 years old The cyberbully befriended her getting her trust and eventually her thinking that this is a boy of the same age he got her to expose her breasts and as soon as that happened he threatened to show the pictures to family friends and everybody in her town unless she does sexual acts that he will record. he eventually posted the pictures because she didn't cooperate which spiraled into and an ordeal (that several adults probably couldn't maintain or be involved in mentally) the torment and humiliation and shame that she endured from this person who had a total of 22 separate social media accounts in which he used most of them online to be friend or bully or some way torment this poor girl but she eventually posted on YouTube a series of cue cards explaining her whole situation for the world to see and the next day she committed suicide fast forward years later they not only found out who it was a man from the Netherlands he was extradited excavated to Canada and he was convicted of his crimes here's a link to the news with information about the victim and the crimes


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