There is a saying that even you might be oblivious to it or don't know that these things happen at a moment notice. Doesn't mean whether knowing still, one can fall into the scam.

This movie managed to mystified this horrible idea into a thrilling cat and mouse chase. Making us feel that what we watch is more scary and realistic. Even though it was showcased dramatically for shock value, knowing how very formulaic the structure of the plot went on.

But despite knowing the beat of this dramatic thrilling drum, that this plot beats onwards; the movie did not fall short of shocking value in this horrific presentation. By being in the shoes of this woman's desperation to report the scam, survive it while continuing to live by trying with her normal life. Again, a real dilemma that most people falling into scamming tries to do while surviving the loss of money.

Here is where the protagonists did a tremendous job on her delivered characteristic. Being chased through this awfully unfortunate events while watching the notion of this reality is in your thoughts constantly. We see the life changing reprecutions being played and portrait as real as possible can be interpreted in this movie.

Even though the movie feels over dramatized, in the very obvious ways of how movies develop plots, it does whole weight due to those realistic true events occurring facts alone. As such, this movie managed to interpret something with truth in it feeling like a sign of warnings to be mindful and careful in real life when it comes to this.

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