Shout by Corey

Speak No Evil 2022

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Speak No Evil’:

  1. Daddy really needed to grow a pair. Frankly, the whole family could’ve tried a little harder at the end there. Kinda frustrating. But the father truly failed everyone… particularly for going on the trip in the first place, but especially for turning around for that effing stuffed animal.

  2. Is it just me, or did Bjørn kinda wanna fire up that Dutch oven? (the Dutch oven being Patrick)

  3. Boy was that a slow burn, which I never mind… as long as there’s payoff. And the ending was especially messed up, albeit frustrating (see Thought 1)… but my quandary is over the point of it all. I just wish I knew more of the Dutch couple’s motives. Otherwise a solid flick.

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