Shout by maverick

Attack on Titan


Wow, what an emotionally gripping end to this masterclass of an anime. The last two parts stayed true to what made AOT such a memorable series - highly emotional personal relationships and breathtaking and unpredictable action scenes all tied together with some amazing CG and BGM.

Yes, I think the whole scene with Armin and Eren was a bit of a head-scratcher and the decision-making of Eren was always a bit dubious to keep the plot going, but given the end result and the emotional highs that you get from the series, all that can be forgiven and forgotten if you don't think too much about it.

S3P2 onwards is where the anime really started to impress for me - retake of shiganshina, invasion of marley and the Eren + Zeke fights will be some of the most heart-thumping action scenes I will ever see.

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