Snape: "Turn to page 394."

Without a doubt the best in the franchise. The Dementors have affected the tone of this one because it's more serious, mature, dark and even scary at times. I love the storyline with Sirius Black and the Dementor/Werewolf looming threat throughout the movie. Best story yet, best score yet, great cinematography, great acting (kids are better now) and the third act is bonkers. David Thewlis is such a great addition as Professor Lupin. Alan Rickman (Snape) was the standout once again, favorite character. The white neon lighting at night is something I hate in movies and this one has a lot of it, although it makes sense because of the moonlight so fair enough. The time travel is the icing on the cake, amazing use of it. I wish they had kept Cuarón as director for the next few movies.

Magical Creatures Ranked (by favorite):

  1. Hippogriff (Buckbeak) - who wouldn't want to take a ride on one of those.
  2. Dementor - a monster that feeds on human happiness and eats your soul. Straight out of a horror movie.
  3. Werewolf - so cool, so deadly, one of the greatest moments of the franchise. The transformation scene was epic.
  4. Animagus - not quite a Werewolf but still deadly.
  5. Boggart - a shapeshifter that takes the shape of your greatest fear. Mine would probably be spiders too.
  6. Whomping Willow - one hell of a ride.
  7. The Monster Book of Monsters - reading will kill you.
  8. Shrunken Talking Head - that was a thing.
  9. Singing Toad - that was also a thing.
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@acoucalancha you just made me wanna watch the whole franchise all over again

@dulneth-p Do it! Can't go wrong with this franchise. Marathon continues tomorrow.

@acoucalancha I wish I could watch up to this movie and we could watch together but I won't be able to keep up lmao

@dulneth-p that's a good idea, let's see if we could try to coordinate! I'll write to you in private.
