Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2024-01-30T10:53:51Z— updated 2024-02-05T12:48:53Z

To an extent, I understand David. The girls exploit a loophole. They have chosen to pack bikinis, underwear and swimsuits that don't serve their usual purpose. Technically, any sexy onesie or lingerie can be swimwear right? In earlier seasons, many girls have designed their own skirts and sexy clothes by re-purposing their standard shirts etc. That was at least creative. In this season however, some girls wear glitzy swimwear and tiny lingerie in camp on a regular basis like they are at the beach or at home. Nothing left of the (frankly dehumanizing) red-blue-beige uniformity in camp. Of course the girls know what they do. It was never a survival show, but they destroy what's left of my illusion that this is a real forest, real nature and an outdoorsy environment. It really shifts the perception of what this show is supposed to be. Slowly, reality TV stars alter the show concept and turn it into some sort of T&A contest.

That said, how does David dare to ask them to put on pants? It's their choice and their choice alone and since this isn't the 60's and this isn't a Catholic girls scouts summer camp, David should keep his mouth shut. Not sure whether that's true but you could get the impression that David somehow is afraid to loose self-control and turn into a cheating sex-maniac by just watching the girls' backs. And it seems he blames the girls for it. That's one reason for the patriarchy and isn't so different from the awful "but she wore a short skirt" defense. (Vice versa, his shirtless looks must be way more tempting to the girls though. He's sexy AF. I'd call that a double standard) Not sure he really meant it like that or that he's really a fan of prudery and and I'm even not sure cutters didn't manipulate what really happened. But no wonder he was voted out. I liked him since he wasn't as crazy as the rest of the bunch but after this he was rightfully "disqualified".

PS: How effortlessly Sonja insults Kim while Kim thinks it's meant as a compliment.

PS2: get rid of the eating trials. It's boring and repetitive.

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