Review by chat1978

Poor Things 2023

Watched the movie yesterday evening at a cinema.

If I wanted to be mean, I would call this movie an artistical porn. But I'll be good and say that everything in the movie is "beautiful" exceptr the horible music and in general sound. Oh my god, it was just noise.

Aside those aspected, the idea of the movie is great and innovative. The world created is somehow different but let's be honest, it's just normal fictional world without something really fancy. It also looks like a rip off from some schience fiction during the mid period of industrial revolution. Still, the world as it is present is a work of art. Looks like a constant painting, though it is not too much liking because actually it is HDRed 1000 times and I don't like the HDR effect.

The movie lost my interest quite early around the 1/4th. Maybe it was the music, which I still find horrible. What I didn't like about the movie is that it was trying to hard, it was unnecessarily slow and repeatative. Worst of all, was the unnecessary volume of nudity and sex, interupted with gross scenes. When it happened way too much, I was mentally off to be honest and the greatness of the idea was just lost. I trully believe that the art of a director is to imply the emotion to the audience, instead of bombarding with the actual raw footage.

if the movie tried less to show itself, it might have been the excellence that they are promoting it to be. It has the script nailed anyhow. It has been a long time since I last watched a bad "cultural" movie, not because it was bad and pretentious but because it would stretch everything so much, it would try so hard innevitably killing the excellent ideas.

What a waste? Who made the music score really?

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