This was good, given that it's produced as a made for television movie. Katherine McNamara is no stranger to the screen in this capacity, and there were other familiar faces as well.

Direction was lacking when it comes to certain details. For example,Agent Alison Miles salutes like a civilian. Her saluting the president was a key focal point earlier in the movie. Anyone with basic cadet training would know how to salute properly. I found this annoying. The Director should have corrected this.

Overall this is a good military movie, and I would watch it again. Hence my rating of 8.

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An 8? Are you insane? This movie was garbage. The premise is ridiculous. A single advisor to the POTUS supposedly has all the information necessary for a rag tag bunch of random Eastern European thugs to take over AF1 and overpower the cadre of USSS agents on board? It’s not exactly classified info to state that there are triplicate redundancies for every electronic system so you can’t exactly just disable the comms with a press of a button. It takes multiple people on multiple parts of the plane at the same time to disable even one of the networks, much less just all of them at once. And a military pilot opening the cockpit door to AF1 mid flight? Are you kidding? A Southwest Airlines pilot won’t even do that. Never mind the fact that each of the folks on the flight deck are armed. And to suggest you can get some rando off the street to fly the single most complicated aircraft in the history of flight, with no experience? There are maybe 25 guys in line to fly that plane and they’re all known by sight to every other crew member. You can’t just kill a pilot and then walk on board. How could you possibly give this garbage an 8?
