I tried to like this, but with only 8 episodes there's not a lot to work with. The pacing is way too fast. If the movie didn't exist, this show would be getting all the hate that got.

This season was supposed to be Book 1: Water and Aang didn't even attempt to learn it.

The fact that they combined Jet + Teo and his father + Omashu all into one place is just ridiculous. We're supposed to see Aang and his friends go around the world exploring. There's supposed to be a balance between having fun + trying to focus on being the Avatar.

The show just feels soulless to me. Some of the actors just feel like they're reading off a card, they're way too robotic. We barely get any time to bond with the characters and there's barely any character development. Thanks to Netflix only making 8 episodes.

I really wish the directors or whoever nowadays STOP making shows with only 8-10 episodes a season and then making us wait 2-3 years for the next mediocre/bland season. That's exactly what's going to happen here for seasons 2 and 3.

Overall, this show is disappointing and very rushed. People that haven't watched the cartoon (are there people who haven't??) need to forget this exists and just watch that instead. I have a feeling this is going to be like the Witcher, which Netflix ruined too (which was TRASH).

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Would you have enjoyed this any more if you pretended the anime didn't exist and you weren't comparing it to that?

Also yes, people that haven't watched the anime exist. I am one of them.

Probably not. As I said, it felt soulless. But have fun watching the cartoon, it is really fun and you're in for a ride! @tedford
