Review by NealZ

Masking Threshold 2022


Review by NealZ

How do I rate something so unique, I've never seen before? This movie is a pure psychological experience and a very different kind of body horror. First I was not very sure how much I like how the movie is made, but at the end of it I feel there was no other way to do it.

Sorry to deviate for a second, but while watching I was thinking of The OA and Hap and felt that this in a way could be his journey too. The sheer will to find an answer for something you can't explain, and getting deeper and deeper until the point of no return.

It didn't take too long, and I was fully invested in this story and even had the feeling to learn something, but definitely witnessed someone slowly getting more and more obsessed with something. After I watched an Interview with the director, the question came up what the moment was we realized that this man is now lost or getting out of control. And the answer differed from person to person. I like movies like that, where it is you who defines things for yourself, while you just can watch and witness what is happening.

One thing this movie made very special for me was its use of body horror. Usually the things we see there are on purpose gruesome and over the top gory to maximize the effect. But then I see someone cutting their toenails in High Definition or getting a close up of body parts, sweat and someone harvesting body fluids (try to imagine yourself what that means) and I am kinda more grossed out than ever.

On top there is the descent into madness which is so amazing orchestrated that I did not even notice it until it was too late. When a seemingly innocuous experiment starts to cross the lines between science and horror, and you find yourself in the middle of it. This alone gives so much to think about and discuss, I could talk about it for days.

All this stuff was packed into my favorite genre - found footage. That was the cherry on top of everything and in the end I just can try to explain my experience, but it could never reflect the feeling I had while and after watching this wonderful piece of media. Although I wonder how this video was made, since it was clearly edited but in the end it was still running. But ok, I give it the benefit of a doubt.

One question for everyone who watched it: Did he eat the fucking mouse head?

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