Instantly liked this movie from the trailers' soundtrack alone. I thought it was a kids type film, but oh, was I wrong. THIS IS NOT FOR KIDS. I can imagine a gigantic number of parents thought this was alright for kids. It's very unexpected, I knew this was a love story, but it's more. It's almost iconic. The characters and design and story at least. Haven't seen a new horror that's been this refreshingly psychotic. The casting was great, the design was great, the comedy was great, the soundtrack was great, the yucky mucky was great, the story was great, the dialogue was great, you get it. It was slightly dragging, but it's mostly because it focuses on the romance, and instead of horror, it's more gruesome. I'm still thinking about some of those scenes because, oh my, was it unexpected. Once again, NOT FOR KIDS. NUMBER 2? WHEN?

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