Thank goodness Cat finally realized who Kara really is and they didn't drag it out for an entire season.

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Hey, calm down buddy, it's a TV show just doing the best it can with a limited budget, stop being such a goofball, stop focusing on the little shit and just enjoy the story. What's the matter with you.

Umm, excuse me? I don't know what's the matter with you or what you are referring to in my comment, but I've have never said anything horrible against this show! I'm just going to assume this wasn't aimed at me since you mentioned budgets which is something I've never commented about. If this comment was aimed at me and you still want to pick on someone for their constant berating of this show, you should take a long hard look at the person who posted below me who berates EVERY single episode of the show and not the person who has never said anything horrible about it!

For anyone else who cares: The comment refers to the fact that most superhero shows do take a season or more to have a main character figure out who the hero's true persona is and I was very glad to see them NOT go that route.
