Review by Deleted

Okay now they ruined multiple things in this episode.

The whole hacking method is a joke. The cheap flight scenes really have to improve.
You clearly see them struggling with their harnas wish makes the flying look very odd and unrealistic.
Also the whole kryptonian shield that neglects the powers in it just is the most retarted idea ever.

They really should come up with some original stuff that makes things better and not the other way around.
Even smallville had better special effects than this one and that is way old by now.

I'm guessing their gonne cancel this show soon.

AND OMG AT 43:03 of this epîsode what the hell was that? lol.
Almost pissed my pants when seeying that scene. So the Kryptonian goes in his sit pose and all the soldier just bend down over him?
LOL Now you can't tell me these directors really have any idea what they are doing.

And glad to see magical glasses exists. Cause she really had to put down just her glasses to reconize supergirl xp crappy shit xp

Also this show is showing the weakest kryptonians ever.
Serious these things just show how stupid the directors think we are to accept crap like this.

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Lois also had to see Superman with his glasses off to know he was Superman. It is typical Superman writing. No big deal there.
Plus I got what I wanted; James Olsen is finally shown working looking for professional in a tie for once lol.

I'd agree with most of your points, but the glasses issue is a standard superman story.

Reply by Deleted

I know but they can atleast come up with something else.
Even smallville handled it better then that.

I know it is in the classics but they already changed other things occording to the classic so why not this.
Since this is one of the most retarted disguises ever in a sci-fi series in the year 2015.

As for cancelling the show soon. I don't think it should since if you click on tv link here it's always one of the most shows watched. Just not on Monday. On DVR it's highly watched the next days after it is first aired.

Reply by Deleted

Its not because its watched alot its good eh.

There have been more shows who were 'popular' and were cancceled.
And since this is really a piece of garbage show i would be glad if they open a spot for a better series.

It's a TV show - it doesn't have the budget for movie grade special effects and cgi, the budget will increase with each season so as the show continues the effects will get better, since it got a full season order the budget may have been increased then so maybe you'll notice a change in the back half of the season. And, lets be honest, you lost any and all credibility the minute you used an ableist slur.

Reply by Deleted

Can you explain yourself. lol?
Where did i use anyting ableismn like xp
Think you are seeying ghosts.

And all I'm saying is the truth. And it's not about the budget alone.
Budget is only a part of the problem wich in this state isn't even the biggest problem
The acting is from a low quality. And the directors clearly don't have any experience on how to handle the superman universe in a tv show.
So either they get the budget and hire some real actors then perhaps maybe.

I'm just sick of many tv shows they try to come up with and ruin it with the performance and acting and directing.
Lets find out how to are going to fix it at this broken moment.

Don't take it personal, if you like it then you like it.
But even then you should accept what is true and what is not.
And if you watch all episodes so far you can't tell me the show is put toghether in a good way.

Silly dialogues with little value. To much drama that has nothing to do with it exept trying to lure some teens to watch the show with the teen drama.
The fight scenes are serious laugheable. It looks like every fight is don't at the moment and din't had any preparation so far.
They make Kryptionians look like pussies compares to the strenght and background they have.

Kara's sister doesn't suit the part. Her fighting is one of the crappyness in the show.
The villains are super cheesy. They don't even put effort in their villains.

Lets hope they can fix this disaster in any way. Prefferable with the Cancellation of the shows.
Wich is kinda sad cause i adore everything superhuman alike.

Just not this childrens version of a womans tale of struggle in the world.
Clearly made for the younger audieance. (ages 10-14).
Has no real emotional parts wich makes a show either good or bad.

You used the r-word, which is a slur for a person who has a mental disability; it's an outdated term and it's extremely offensive.

If the actors weren't good then they wouldn't have cast them in the first place, they audition more than once so clearly the actors they cast were the best ones for the roles.

You seem to forget that Kara hasn't used her powers in years, she left home and was set to earth, found out she could fly and then was told not to. She has never fought anyone before this. Of course she's not good at it - she just needs more experience, Clark has years on her.

Cheesy fits the comic book theme, most comic book villains are cheesy.

How about instead of the show being cancelled, and, yknow, female led superhero media everywhere takes a massive punch to the face because it's lacking - it just improves.

I don't think it is, honestly. I think kids can definitely learn important things from Kara but children's media tends to be very overly done.
And no real emotion? Did you not see Kara yelling at the hologram of her mother? Or when she blew up Red Tornado with a solar flare?

Reply by Deleted

-You used the r-word, which is a slur for a person who has a mental disability; it's an outdated term and it's extremely offensive.

Retarted has nothing to do with a disability here. (even if the word may be offensive to some people, here it has nothing to do with the actually disability)
Its has mainly to do with how the directors think we are and how some people allow them to give us crap.
If you take this as a offense thats your right but don't try to make it anything else than it is.

-If the actors weren't good then they wouldn't have cast them in the first place, they audition more than once so clearly the actors they cast were the best ones for the roles.

Alot of movies/series have actors who are miss-cast for there role.
So you think every movie and every series out there have the perfect roles for the chosen actors?

-You seem to forget that Kara hasn't used her powers in years, she left home and was set to earth, found out she could fly and then was told not to. She has never fought anyone before this. Of course she's not good at it - she just needs more experience, Clark has years on her.

Not forgetting that wich makes no difference anyways on how they portrayed it..
Since we saw flashbacks and know she's been on this planet for a while now.
The way they portrayed her powers are just stupid.
First couple of episodes already proofed this by repeatadly coming up with lines. (I'm bulletproof? I'm striong? Can i do that to?)
While we all know so does she and everyone else in the series, she has exactly the same powers as Clark just lesser experience offcourse.
But here they actually acted as like she knows nothing from Kryptonians.

  • Cheesy fits the comic book theme, most comic book villains are cheesy. Cheesy is used here in not the good way. The acting is cheesy not the characters. You can't emphatize with anyone. There is no a single interresting character in this show that gives extra value. Its just comes off as the directors have no idea where to go with the series and the story.

-How about instead of the show being cancelled, and, yknow, female led superhero media everywhere takes a massive punch to the face because it's lacking - it just improves.
I don't care it has some female ideas behind it. Doesn't trouble me.
But just using the most cliche lines ever in history about woman in a show like this is just misplaced.

  • I don't think it is, honestly. I think kids can definitely learn important things from Kara but children's media tends to be very overly done. And no real emotion? Did you not see Kara yelling at the hologram of her mother? Or when she blew up Red Tornado with a solar flare?

Thats whay i said from the beginning. Offcourse kids will somewhat bond with characters here and thats why i say KIDS.
This series is mostly written and performed for a younger audience. Kids to around teens.

And yes no real emotion.
You can hear the words but you don't feel it.
Its just blank words.
Even the screaming at her 'mother' hologram was just to laugh with it.
I've watched every episode so far and have no bounds for anyoone or i can't even say a scene was good bringing out 'real' emotion.

Also every scene where we see kara use her flight powers we clearly see she's green screening.
Seems she's struggling to much with her 'Harnas' they use in the studio for the green screen scenes.

The show can be better if they had a bit more proffesionalism then just wanting to make another series about a superhero and try to get money out of it.
