Shout by will0

I appreciate that they are including a lot of little touches that convey the flavor. The Coriolis gravity effect when pouring water, the ways in which the different environments have shaped humans into almost separate species. So far, they are hewing quite closely to the source material, and I'm liking it.

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Me as well, it really makes you feel like this is truly "science fiction" and they thought about the little things.

yet, the wrench acted weirdly, jumping out of Jim's hand for no particular reason.

@w13rdo I like that a lot.

@public I believe they where still accelerating a little bit the whole time (using the ships engine) which also explains why there's some gravity on the ship. So as soon as Jim looses the wrench it doesn't accelerate anymore and from their local frame of reference it therefore looks like it's accelerating in the opposite direction.
Edit: Oh and one might also wonder why Jim and Amos aren't drifting off then. That should be due to their magnetic boots (which seems like a very risky thing to rely on without using a tether cable as backup).
