Shout by whos_ur_buddha

Shōgun 2024

Very hard to watch as it’s in Japanese with English subtitles. Would’ve been great if it was all in English. It’s 2024, who’s got time to read. We all have busy lives and doing 5 things at once. This show prevents you from doing that.

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Some mindfulness practices might be helpful for you. It's not the show's fault you're too busy. Aside from that, making it completely English would detract from the quality of the show. In fact, I wish the Portuguese was actually Portuguese but I get it's mostly an American show for American audiences.

Really?! Try Barbie movie. You gonna love it. Lol

@whos_ur_buddha you're the type of person whose world ends 5km away from home. I'm sure if you come across aliens you'd expect them to speak English to you too. Free your mind Neo, the world is full of colourful cultures and language diversity.

@whos_ur_buddha who's got time to read? :joy::rofl:

Dude, every anime fan is binge "reading" hours of content. Hard of hearing people, deaf people, language learners, people who love authenticity.

Rumors are some people are even reading BOOKS.

If your reading skills aren't well enough for some (pretty slow) subs, maybe you should read more? Maybe learn Japanese, or any language of your choice?

@willkuo @mancha-negra @conradseba @ce8e165f-cde3-42e6-b65a-8a86e6ef113b - that was meant to be a joke. Actually found the show to be amazing and couldn't stop reading it hence my rating of 10. Also, I've spent time in Japan.
