Shout by Imme van Gorp

Young Royals: Season 3

3x05 Episode 5

I’m so damn proud of Wille for finally calling out his useless, disgusting parents.
However, it was really difficult to see Simon choose that exact moment to break Wille’s heart further by ending it between them. I understand things aren’t really working out with their relationship, and I truly feel like neither of them is at fault for that, but Simon definitely needed to just be there for Wille right now and discuss their break-up at a different time.
It’s just frustrating because I know Simon can be really soft and gentle and sweet sometimes, but he can also act really selfishly. I honestly just think Wilhelm has always loved Simon more than the other way around and it often shows in their actions…

P.S. I kind of hate myself for loving Sara and August as a couple, but I do. I should wish them nothing but heartache and loneliness after what they did, but I somehow still get sucked in because of August’s complete and utter devotion to her. He seems to love and adore her so much, I just can’t help but want them together.

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