I do know it takes a bit of time to get the characters developed. But I feel it would have been better if there were one less American. They could have chosen a nicer "leader" than who they chose. Maybe they told her she has to be unlikable, if so, she is doing a great job at it.
I admit, she (Mackey) was calmer and more agreeable to her coworkers this episode!

I will keep watching, but just in the background of doing other things.

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@kaleecee The way I'm looking at Mackey is that she's had a rough time in her past professionally, which at this point we don't know, and that's probably why she's keeping herself apart from people. She's also just been dumped halfway across the world, told to put down roots suddenly when she's used to living out of a backpack and moving from case to case. She isn't someone who has had to form attachments in years, so she's struggling.

In comparison, Jackson is loving the opportunity and it makes her look even worse.

Personally, it's Cooper that is rubbing me up the way. Mackey I can understand, but Cooper just seems like someone who just likes to make nasty comments for no reason.
