Review by Acoucalancha

Stopmotion 2024


Review by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2024-03-17T15:36:16Z— updated 2024-03-26T02:38:43Z

"It's a wonderful medium, isn't it? Bringing dead things to life."
"What happens when it takes on a life of it's own?"

I went into this thinking it would offer stunning stop-motion animation segments but a boring cheap story but it's not the case, I enjoyed both. Stopmotion is about an artist so deperate to find her own creative voice that she ends up losing her sanity while searching for it. The story and themes aren't anything new but the execution is what makes it good and memorable.

I'm in love with the stop-motion segments in this movie, they're some of the best horror centered stop-motion segments i've seen in a while (Coraline and Mad God are easy inspirations here). Really creepy, disturbing, morbid, grotesque, unsettling stuff. We also get some of the best practical effects i've seen in a while; the wax face, the squirmish gore, the body horror, the miniature sets and figurines... so creative! That one scene where the two mediums (stop-motion and "real life") meet was the best sequence.

Really good central performance from Aisling Franciosi but the child actress (Caoilinn Springall) absolutely stole the show anytime she was on-screen, she's so confident and knows how to get real creepy. A decent creepy score and the sound is crisp. The dialogue is metaphorical and so is the story. There are some slow parts that could have been shorter and better handled. The sister wasn't necessary in my opinion. The twist was super obvious. Great ending. Could use a rewatch to make sense of everything.

An easy recommendation for any horror fan or practical effects freak!

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