I think this one was even better than the pilot, which was amazing. They are actually the Magneto arc from the comics and, by the looks of it, Madelyne Prior as well! Honestly I didn't see that coming at all and it puts a wide grim on my face. I am full on board now and seriously hope they don`t drop the ball after this astonishing beginning (pun intended). If they keep following the 90s comics this close this is gonna be the best X-Men project on screen ever, the likes of which I have been expecting and being constantly disappointed since the first movie from 2000.
Oh, and the fact the freaking Storm loses his power and ditches the X-Men was the perfect icing on the cake. I know it was supposed to be a tragic, emotional moment but I hate that character thanks to the way the voice actor chews the scenery harder than anyone on every single line she delivers! If she stays out for long, or maybe the whole season, this is gonna be perfection. I know it is too much to ask, but the hope on this show has allowed me to dream again.
Six claws up, bub.

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