If you're into physics defying fight scenes / martial arts / choreographies then this show is definitely for you.
Anybody else: don't bother.

Acting is mostly awful if not straight abysmal (MK), with exceptions like Stephen Lang (the man in the wheel chair) who is sadly only a minor side character.
Story telling is basically non-existent, you're thrown into the world with nearly no explanations at all. Even in a 6 part mini series you could do a much better job than this. There's an intrigue running with many sides, what's not even interesting or good explained and only background noise for the fights. Similar with the world order of barons as factions ruling people / areas, only background noise.

Due to being thrown into this without any (explicit) explanation, the establishing of characters is non-existent as well. The show fails to make you care for any character and for whom you should root for. Forgettable characters overall.
There's no reason for me to care for a mass murderer like Sunny to get out of the badlands.
Plans to do something are almost never explained, like giving all women a voice. How to achieve that? No clue, but the ninja fighting is cool... It's understandable that Sunny wants to get out of the badlands with his pregnant girlfriend but that's it where the show stops making sense. Basically everything is incredibly vague.
Perhaps because there's too much: feminism, a family intrigue where the son betrays the father, the most loyal fighter betraying his master, the wunderkind story, the escape for a better life story, teenage love, love triangle between baron, his wife and his side-wife. Pretty messy.

A show lacking in many aspects, ending on a few deus ex machina and an attempt of letting the possibility for a full season or second mini season open. The really interesting things and questions are never explained at all.

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