I don't know if it's the actress, the character, or both, but "Auggy" is the most obnoxious and irritating character I've seen in quite a while. Tiresome af, tarnishes any scene she's in.

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At least she's easy on the eyes, lol

I feel the same way about the Thomas wade character. He was witty and intriguing in the first few episodes but his whole schtick is getting quite tiresome now.

@jayowski This is so true. I was convinced it was the bangs. She is definitely mis-cast but the others are not much better

@jayowski This is so true. I was convinced it was the bangs. She is definitely mis-cast but the others are not much better

@jayowski This is so true. I was convinced it was the bangs. She is definitely mis-cast but the others are not much better

@jayowski This is so true. I was convinced it was the bangs. She is definitely mis-cast but the others are not much better

@jayowski This is so true. I was convinced it was the bangs. She is definitely mis-cast but the others are not much better

@jayowski This is so true. I was convinced it was the bangs. She is definitely mis-cast but the others are not much better
