Sometimes, I absolutely despise Death in Paradise's writing, and this episode is a prime example of that. Why is everyone treating Neville like the bad/stupid guy? The one who fumbled the bag was 100% Florance! The one who wouldn't even commit to an emotion, who couldn't even say she wanted to date, was Florance. That was the worst "confession" I have ever heard, and I got angry. Why on earth should Neville be made to be content with NOTHING? Why is he expected to accept crumbs from a woman, being not even her second choice, but maybe a 17th, and be grateful for it? Why is he made into a string of bad adjectives when he tells her, quite justifiably, that he wants someone who actually, truly wants him? Honestly, the way they wrote this finale? Neville deserves better than Florance. There, I said it. I love my girl, but this wasn't it.

I love Neville. He's my second favorite D.I. (Richard will always be first), and I will miss him. This lovely character deserved more from the writers in his finale and throughout his entire tenure on the show. Constantly being belittled, being made the butt of the joke for things that aren't funny and shouldn't be made light of, and in my opinion--outright gaslit by many of the characters. Catherine, especially. As much as I used to love her, how the writers made her react to Selwyn and Neville's latest storylines has made me dislike her. Both of these men had completely valid reactions to the situations they were in. Why are you dismissing them and putting the blame on their shoulders?

I am curious to see who will become the next D.I., and I certainly hope Death in Paradise will treat them with more respect than they've given Neville.

(BTW, I see Alexander in these comments all the time, and it's hilarious to me how we often view things totally differently, haha)

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@nitzanschwarz that's no problem. I appreciate your comments a lot. It's perhaps my male perspective or my different background. Sometimes, we're in sync but I can't express myself as eloquently as you always do. Thx :-)

@alexlimberg I appreciate your comments a lot, too, and I look forward to seeing you in the comments again in the future; it felt like I was having a watch-along with a friend, haha
